Who are we?
Let us present you the IT Plus Cluster
We have been operating as one of the few outstanding ITC professional organizations in Szeklerland and the central region since 2014. The synergy in the cluster is formed by IT and telecommunications companies, as well as municipal and educational institutions. We see our positive vision in the ongoing IT&C development strategies in the region by combining innovation, our common knowledge base, human and economic capital.
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What are we good at?
Areas, where our members are the best!
We are constantly striving to use modern hardware-software systems, to constantly expand our competencies and to update the existing ones. We have professional experience in mobile, web and desktop software development. We offer a wide range of hardware products, professional hosting, telecommunication solutions, IT services and consulting.
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Why join us?
15 reasons to join the cluster
We know that with combined resources we can more successfully shape the IT&C market in Szeklerland and Transylvania. In the cluster, we strive to increase the competitiveness of the region with a common competence package, a unified appearance and strong action strategy. If you are interested in how you can contribute to this development, both professionally and economically, join us and strengthen our community!
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